Locksmith News

Master Keying

Master keying is great for those who need to have access to multiple doors. By having master keying key, you are able to unlock multiple doors with one key.

Master keying is a great way to eliminate carrying tons of keys if your a Landlord or a Property Manager. Master keying basically means having one or more keys that belong to a single lock. Sometimes you could have one key that operates several different locks, while keeping them all on a secondary key ring for the residents. I have found Master Keying very useful in the restaurant business where they have a cleaning crew come in after hours to clean the facility. What we will do is make a secondary key that will work only the doors that the cleaning crew needs to be in. This limits the access to where unauthorized people could go. The biggest perk is is that if the cleaning company is terminated, the restaurant then calls us, A1 Agent Locksmith, and we will only have to re-key the locks that were accessed by the prior cleaning company. This not not only save you time and money, but not to mention the redistribution of new keys to the existing managers.

It is the most economical way to key any Business where there is regular to frequent turn overs. Master Keying is also a superb tool with a large business with different levels. For example, there was a stumping company we previously did work for. The President and Vice President needed unrestricted access to every door in the facility. The Clerical Supervisors needed access to only limited areas. Production Managers needed access to other limited areas and all the staff who had private office only had keys to gain access of their office. Master Keying has resolved all of this. Everyone had their own key and supervisors could access only the needed areas of their job requirements. Some locks in the ware house actually accommodated five different keys. That was in order to keep employer keys to a minimum.

Master Keying is also great for residential uses as well. It is good for cleaning staff to enter only one door or as many as needed. Also, if you have an in-house office keyed differently than the rest of the house, but you would only like one key for it. The best example is when a concerned father called A1 Agent Locksmith for help. He stated that his teenagers were sneaking in and out of their house too easily. The home was rather large and I could easily see how the entries/exits were all over the house, which was quite a distance from the parents bedroom. So I suggested a Master Keying option. So I explained how it works and how Master Keying forces traffic flow to any direction wanted. So I then master keyed the detached garage and front doors so his teenagers could only access what they needed and nothing more. This also forced them to using the front door only to get in or to leave. Needless to say, the father has gotten many good nights of sleep since A1 Agent Locksmith secured his residence.

Simply put, Master Keying has many useful advantages, but keep in mind that only qualified Locksmiths know how to Master Key. This is especially when it comes to requiring one lock to accommodate multiple keys, even as many as 5 or more. Those Locksmiths that file keys in order to re-key a lock, then lack the ability to Master Key and then turn around to tell you that your lock does not accommodate Master Keying. Almost all locks can be Master Keyed, even if they are High Security locks and/or padlocks.

If you have troubled teens or nosy cleaning companies in your home, call A1 Agent Locksmith to Master Key your life today. We can save you money, headaches, your personal time as well as the convenience of not having to carry around tons of keys. We are here ready to help you.

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