Locksmith News

Replacing Door Locks

By replacing door locks around your home, you can be properly secured. Instead of trying to fix broken locks around your home, try replacing door locks.

When you think of maintenance to your home, the last thing you would think of would be replacing door locks. That’s right, I said that you need to change your locks as much as you would any other maintenance household item. The point of entry to every home or building is a door. Even windows should be locked or protected. However, a window would take more time to climb in to, so the main focus is a door. So why would you not try to protect it from keeping your family and your personal belongings safe? By making sure that all of your locks and dead bolts on you doors are safely secured, you are adding an extra layer of protection from any unwanted guests that may be watching your home.

There are several different reasons as to why it is very important to your home and business to change your locks. Safety is one of the biggest and best reasons why you should protect your home. If you have recently purchased your home or place of business, the first thing you would want to do is replace all of your locks. You do not know who has a key or multiple keys to the lock and you want to protect the personal or office supplies inside. By replacing door locks, you are eliminating the possibility of a previous employee having access to your dwelling without your knowledge. By doing so will make you confident in knowing that you are the only person who has access to your home or business. This is a great feeling when replacing door locks.

If your business or home has an entry access code, you will want to rethink your code. Every business has a dead bolt on every door as well as an electronic security device, usually by the door. Just because you are replacing door locks, doesn’t mean you are completely safe. Especially if you have multiple coworkers who know the password to your security alarm. The bes thing you should, in a place of employment, is to give every person their own separate code. By doing this, you will be able to monitor their every move. Let’s say an employee opens the door and the alarm goes off. They would enter their pass code and then start their workday. But what that individual doesn’t know is if something were to be stolen or comes up missing, they would be the only one responsible. You would know this by them being the only individual entering their code.

Another great reason is that you want to protect what you have worked so hard to achieve, especially when it comes to your home. You want to make sure that you can leave the home and not have to worry about someone breaking in because of a lock that should have been replaced. By replacing door locks, you have now added extra protection that will enable a robber to gain any access into your home. Also, another important place to protect is your office. No matter if you own your own business or are a manager for a large company, you need to protect your assets. Knowing that you have purchased a new office desk or even simple office supplies, and then having them stolen is not something you want to experience. You always want to protect your office building from all unwanted visitors. Usually, it takes a simple step of replacing door locks and changing the pass code.

Have you ever put your key in the dead bolt and be able to wiggle it while the key is still inside? This is a great indication that you are needing to replace your locks. The easiest way for a burglar to break into your home is by wiggling the handle. If you can wiggle it, then it is loose. Just think like a burglar. If you were going to break into a home, you wouldn’t want to make it harder on yourself. You would try to find the easiest house to break into without getting caught. With easy access for the burglar, they can then shove something into the handle or jimmy open the lock. Once the door is opened or broken, then they will have full access to your home to take anything that they can get their hands on. You never want to make your home appear to be an easy target. Try putting security signs outside your home to pretend that you have a security system. Nobody will know if you truly do or not, only you. Once they have broken into your home, then will probably try it again.

Knowing what needs to be done to protect your home can be a very easy task, once you know what to look for. Just like any other maintenance in your home, you must inspect weekly, monthly or even yearly. Checking all the locks and dead bolts on every door in your home or office should be on that maintenance list. Protection and safety is your biggest strength. It can also be your biggest weakness. If you are not fully protected and secured, then you are setting yourself open to theft and break-ins. Your main focus is to protect yourself, your family and your co-workers, by replacing door locks.

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